Trade Diversion and Sanction Evasion No Longer Business As Usual

Posted by on March 15, 2023

Trade Diversion and Sanction Evasion No Longer Business As Usual


  1. Executive Summary 概要

Sanctions can and are weakened through trade diversion and evasion.[1]  To “prevent corporate crime before it occurs,”[2] the anti-corruption and trade authorities are combining and revitalizing policy tools to shift financial penalties from non-participating shareholders onto wrongdoers directly accountable.  This memo focuses on consequences against risky behaviors through trade diversion and sanction evasion, and priorities to support compliance and growth.

制裁(作为贸易与投资监管措施)面临贸易转移和规避问题而被削弱。为“预防犯罪重在防患于未然”,(美国)反腐败和贸易主管部门正在整合、重振既有监管政策依据和行政资源,改变过去由未参与违法行为的股东实际承担违法成本(罚金)的窘境,并将违规成本转移到违规责任人员身上。 本备忘录旨在简述针对贸易转移和制裁规避对风险行为的法律后果,并供企业合规与发展参考。

Source: trade data shows Russian imports of chips returned to their pre-war 2020 levels.[3]


  • Actionable Insights 执行参考

With an “all-tool approach” and since January 2023, US Department of Justice (DOJ) has rolled out updated guidelines to further substantiate and implement DDG Monaco Memo issued on September 15, 2022 to prosecute culpable individuals, safeguard voluntary disclosure of historical misconduct through effective cooperation and remediation, with the auspices of the regulators.[4] (See our previous briefings.[5])


Overall, DOJ singles out certain “grey area” circumvention tactics and requires management and their counsels (and risk functions) to more accurately identify early warning signs and proactively implement effective remediation measures:


  • Data – Off-system communication or material misstatement: either off-system chats or selective information omission in internal correspondence constitutes not only red flag but also sign of weak “policy environment” that undermines compliance infrastructure;


  • Operation and work streams – Trade diversion & high-risk businesses: operational arrangements structured to actually use third-party / countries to divert goods to sanctioned countries are specific targets for enforcement;


  • HR – Distorted HR process and deficient disciplinary action:  deficiency in HR process such as lack of disciplinary actions (against personnel directly responsible for criminal conduct and those with oversight) would also render a corporate compliance program “ineffective.”  Remediation taken but failing to prevent recurrence would still be considered insufficient to earn cooperation credits to secure leniency and settlement from regulators;


  • Executive compensation – clawbacks and compliance criteria: the new Criminal Division’s Pilot Program Regarding Compensation Incentives and Clawbacks requires that, when entering into criminal resolutions (before settlement and closure of the case), corporations must implement compliance-related criteria in their compensation and bonus system and to report to DOJ about such implementation during the term of such resolutions.  Penalty reduction would generally be available only for those who seek to recoup compensation from culpable employees and others “who both (a) had supervisory authority over the employee(s) or business area engaged in the misconduct and (b) knew of, or were willfully blind to, the misconduct.”

高管薪酬——薪酬追回与合规标准:美国司法部更新后的《刑事司关于薪酬激励和薪酬追回的试点方案》要求:在达成刑事决议时(在和解与结案之前),企业必须在其薪酬和奖金制度中制定并执行合规相关标准,并在该等案件决议的有效期内向美国司法部报告其落实情况。处罚减免措施一般将仅适用于从应问责人员追回薪酬的企业,即那些寻求从应惩戒的人员和其他“(a)对从事不当行为的雇员或业务领域负有管理监督权责的人员,以及(b)明知或故意对不当行为视而不见的人 ”追回薪酬的企业。

These prioritized elements aim to deter risky behavior and foster a culture of compliance, and “seek to potentially shift the burden of corporate financial penalties away from shareholders—who in many cases do not have a role in misconduct—onto those more directly responsible.”


In terms of common red flags to eradicate the use of intermediaries to evade sanctions or export controls, the DOJ-Treasury-Commerce Joint Compliance Note highlights the following:


  • Use of corporate vehicles such as legal arrangements to obscure (i) ownership, (ii) source of funds, or (iii) countries involved, particularly sanctioned jurisdictions;


  • A customer’s reluctance to share information about the end use of a product;


  • Use of shell companies to conduct international wire transfers, often involving financial institutions in jurisdictions distinct from company registration;


  • Declining customary installation, training, or maintenance of the purchased item(s);


  • IP addresses that do not correspond to a customer’s reported location data;


  • Last-minute changes to shipping instructions that appear contrary to customer history or business practices;


  • Payment coming from a third-party country or business not listed on the End-User Statement or other applicable end-user form;


  • Use of personal email accounts instead of company email addresses;


  • Operation of complex and/or international businesses using residential addresses or addresses common to multiple closely-held corporate entities;


  • Changes to standard letters of engagement that obscure the ultimate customer;


  • Transactions involving a change in shipments or payments that were previously scheduled for Russia or Belarus;


  • Transactions involving entities with little or no web presence; or


  • Routing purchases through certain transshipment points commonly used to illegally redirect restricted items to Russia or Belarus. Notably, DOJ considers countries including China (including Hong Kong and Macau) and jurisdictions close to Russia, including Armenia, Turkey, and Uzbekistan as possible transshipment points.


In addition, DOJ warns complacency and stresses that “even a well-designed compliance program may be unsuccessful in practice if implementation is lax, under-resourced, or otherwise ineffective” under the revised Corporate Enforcement Policy.


  • Outlook / Any To-Dos展望 / 如何跟进?

Going forward, regulators by U.S. and allied countries and partners will deepen multilateral sanction and anti-corruption enforcement focusing more on what a corporation does to assess and address relevant risks and designing tailored controls to manage these risks.  Corporations must ensure their compliance programs, by both words and actions, answer robustly on key questions below (see Exhibit 1 attached hereto)[6]:


In today’s world, sanctions are the new FCPA.”  These DOJ policies on anti-corruption and sanction evasion have integrated by reference of pre-existing policy administered by OFAC[7], and arrive at the point when the U.S. has identified China as “top threat to U.S. technological competitiveness.”[8] U.S. has imposed de factor embargo on chips above certain technology nodes[9], while blacklisting Chinese entities allegedly evading U.S. sanction regime.

“制裁监管如今是新的反海外贿赂法(FCPA)”。美国司法部关于反腐败和逃避制裁的新政整合了包括由美国财政部外国资产管制办公室的既有政策;其推出与美国将中国确定为“对美国技术竞争力的最大威胁 ”一前一后,相互映照。 美国已经对某些技术节点以上的芯片实施了针对中国事实上的禁运,同时将涉嫌规避美国制裁制度的中国实体列入黑名单。

Chinese regulators so far (as of March 15, 2023) responded in a restrained and engaging manner, by sanctioning mainly certain individuals rather than corporations (except for two major U.S. military brands), along with singling Korea out from encouraging Chinese overseas sightseeing.[10]


Nevertheless, ramification of holistic sanction and anti-corruption enforcement by U.S. and allied countries could unearth trade diversion under-addressed with risky regulatory exposure and uncertainty for international businesses.  European Central Bank recently alerts that “(unspecified) disruptions to economic activity in China could trigger renewed supply chain bottlenecks, with global repercussions.”[11] 

然而,随着美国及其盟国“举国体制”制裁和反腐败执法的深入,过去处于战略模糊的贸易转移重新置于监管视野之下,国际企业面临着风险日益严峻的监管不确定性。 欧洲中央银行最近警示:“(未指明)在中国经济活动若发生中断的可能性将引发新的供应链瓶颈,并产生全球影响”。 

To avoid becoming or associated with “isolated international actors,” companies should ensure that executives and employees are:

  • Personally invested in promoting compliance,
  • Coming forward and voluntarily disclose discovered misconducts to save it from penalties, and
  • Resourcing properly and avoiding risky sanctions evasion and export control violations.


  • 将倡导落实合规作为对自己事业的投资并亲力亲为
  • 择善从之,自愿披露发现的不当行为,使公司和个人免受处罚
  • 合理投入资源,避免触及高风险的制裁规避行为和违反出口管制。
  • Data access and preservation: Do compliance and control personnel have sufficient direct or indirect access to relevant sources of data to allow for timely and effective monitoring and/or testing of policies, controls, and transactions?

Exhibit 1: Key Aspects of an Effective Compliance Program under the revised Corporate Enforcement Policy



  • Impediment in practice: Do any impediments exist that limit access to relevant sources of data and, if so, what is the company doing to address the impediments?  Key focus is the preservation of and access to corporate data and communications stored on personal devices, “as appropriate and to the greatest extent possible.”

合规落实中的障碍:是否存在任何限制访问相关数据来源的障碍,如果是,企业正在采取举措来排除这些障碍? 关键在于“在适当和最大程度上 ”保存和访问存储在个人设备上的公司数据和通信。

  • Communication channels and policy environment about personal devices and messaging apps: Has Whatsapp or Wechat use impaired in any way the organization’s compliance program or its ability to conduct internal investigations or respond to requests from prosecutors or civil enforcement or regulatory agencies?


  • Compliance policy coverage or carve-outs: Does the company have policies or procedures in place to recoup compensation that would not have been achieved but for misconduct attributable directly or indirectly to the executive or employee?


  • Executive compensation: Are the terms of bonus and deferred compensation subject to cancellation or recoupment, to the extent available under applicable law, in the event that non-compliant or unethical behavior is exposed before or after the award was issued?


  • HR practice: What policies and practices does the company have in place to put employees on notice that they will not benefit from any potential fruits of misconduct?


  • Correction/remediation: With respect to the particular misconduct at issue, has the company made good faith efforts to follow its legal & compliance policies and practices in this respect?


  • Compliance culture: How does the company’s hiring and incentive structure reinforce its commitment to ethical culture?


  • Independence of risk functions (Legal, Compliance, Internal Audit): Is compensation for investigatory personnel structured in a way that ensures the compliance team is empowered to enforce the policies and ethical values of the company?


  • Management empowerment at investigation & remediation levels: Who determines the compensation, including bonuses, as well as discipline and promotion of compliance personnel or others within the organization that have a role in the disciplinary process generally?


  • Remediation or window-dressing: Did the company take any actions to recoup or reduce compensation for responsible employees to the extent practicable and available under applicable law?


[1] Nicholas Mulder, “Sanction Weapon” (Jun. 2022), Finance & Development, IMF Publication,

[2] U.S. Dep’t of Justice, Criminal Division, “The Criminal Division’s Pilot Program Regarding Compensation Incentives and Clawbacks” (Mar. 3, 2023),

[3] Alberto Nardelli, “Russia Is Getting Around Sanctions to Secure Supply of Key Chips for War (Mar. 4, 2023),

[4] U.S. Dep’t of Justice, “Corporate Enforcement and Voluntary Self-Disclosure Policy” (Jan. 17, 2023) (“revised Corporate Enforcement Policy”),; U.S. Dep’t of Justice, National Security Division, “NSD Enforcement Policy for Business Organizations” (Mar. 1, 2023),; “Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco Delivers Remarks at American Bar Association National Institute on White Collar Crime (Mar. 2, 2023)”,; “Departments of Justice, Commerce and Treasury Issue Joint Compliance Note on Russia-Related Sanctions Evasion and Export Controls (Mar. 3, 2023), (“DOJ-Treasury-Commerce Joint Compliance Note”); U.S. Dep’t of Justice, Criminal Division, “Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs” (Updated March 2023) (Mar. 3, 2023),

[5] Yi Wang, Enforcement Policy Stresses Effective Compliance Programs Must Be Follow-through and Prevent Circumvention (Jan. 1, 2023),

[6] See, revised Corporate Enforcement Policy, note 1.

[7] E.g., the revised Corporate Enforcement Policy integrates by reference A Framework for OFAC Compliance Commitments, published in May 2019 by the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”), available at _ofac_cc.pdf.

[8] U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence, “2023 Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community” (Feb. 6, 2023),

[9] U.S. Dep’t of Commerce, Bureau of Industry Security, “Implementation of Additional Export Controls: Certain Advanced Computing and Semiconductor Manufacturing Items; Supercomputer and Semiconductor End Use; Entity List Modification” and “Revisions to the Unverified List; Clarifications to Activities and Criteria That May Lead to Additions to the Entity List” (Oct. 13, 2022),

[10] Ministry of Foreign Affairs, People’s Republic of China, Press Release respectively on Feb. 17 and Mar. 14, 2023,, and

[11] European Central Bank, Economic Bulletin (Issue 1 2023),